Thursday, 18 September 2008

Negative Ads

Negative Ads
WTF is all this about? Surely someone who wants to be the president of the United States should have enough substance and belief in themselves to be promoting their qualities, rather than trying to shoot down the competition? Also, if that were an acceptable tactic, shouldn’t the ads be grounded in fact? I’m not going to go over the ads because they are everywhere and people reading this with interest would already know all too well what I’m talking about. However if this tactic has been employed to get one’s own way, then what does that say for future efforts to convince the American public of the direction the government wants to take them in? Would the facts be skewed in a similar way to gain public support? It appears that this tactic relies on the voter believing everything that they see on the television or hear on the radio and not being able to think for themselves. Would it be wise for the American people to be led by someone that thinks so little of their intellect? Or is it as the world views the American public and that you are gullible enough to believe this nonsense? I know that here in the UK if such a tactic were employed that candidate would be laughed out of the running, but hey, maybe we are wiser and more intellectual this side of the great Atlantic Ocean that separates us. One thing I am sure of is that we would have kicked up a fuss over the last ‘stolen’ election when you let that highly intelligent and impartial thinker Dubya shoehorn himself back into another term only to ruin your economy, stretch your armed forces to breaking and ruin your image as world leaders in many aspects of developed life. Yes I know we aren’t fiscally on top of the world ourselves right now but our problems are intrinsically linked to decisions made in your neck of the woods. Decisions such as the Federal Reserve lowering interest rates instigating a gold rush on credit, dishing out sub-prime mortgages like they were hot cakes, and then packaging them up to hide the true content and selling them on as triple a rated products. . . . erm, bit of a tangent there, I shall try harder not to rant about the wonderful Mr Bush and stay on subject.

So, back to negative ads, WTF?


Who leads the race to lead the race?

I would like to perform a national service to our dear friends over the pond. We all know that life over there is all about ease; spray on cheese to avoid having to use a knife or even a grater, single nation 'World Series' so there is no need to compete to win and small islands in the middle of the North Sea to provide professional soldiers so you don’t have to train your own. And now, to help with the pain of thinking, there is a service to let you know who to vote for. Life is indeed good.

Now, according to some survey, our good friends the yanks care about three things when voting, money, terrorism (of course) and some place somewhere called Iraq or something. In that case, things seem simple. In terms of Iraq, one says he will stay there (McCain), the other says he will leave (Obama). On terrorism, Obama would crack down on Pakistan for its terrorism links in the form of training camps, whilst McCain would strengthen the border tribes to stop drug trafficking; an traditional American policy which has worked well in the past, meaning that within just a few short years, the armies of Osama bin Laden and the IRA were already better than their own. Excellent investment indeed. Finally, money; Obama would be nice to the poor, with regular hugs, chicken soup and a couple of quick fumbles, whilst McCain prefers a buggering from big, sexy business. Both, incidentally, have promised to hug every tree they can find.

For our American readers, that all means 1-0 Obama. Yee-Ha I hear you cry, but wait...

There is something about John McCain. His choice of sidekick, one Miss Palin, whose name is all too easily confused with one trout molesting Russian, has strong redneck credentials despite her Alaskan ties. A needless appointment though, as he already has the redneck vote by default. Having already proved she is adept at talking complete moose shit and making decisive decisions, (over whether it is aerosol cheese or nature causing the Alaskan winters to stop) she seems an excellent choice. McCain obviously has lots of support willing to publicly back him too as his economic adviser proved by standing up and proudly announcing that he couldn’t run the country.

Yes, that’s right, that brings it back to 1-1. As the British minister for Foreign Policy, Russell Brand, so rightly said, you clearly love that retard you have now, and here in McCain is a ready made replacement. I find it hard to see any other choice.


Tuesday, 16 September 2008

My first Blog

As you can see this blog is still in the very early stages, and it will be obvious that I'm just finding my feet. The reason for starting this blog is a bubbling frustration at the current election run-up in the states. How can so many people be so fickle and choose someone for possibly the most important position on the planet based on appearance and political sideswipes alone? Do American voters actually look at policy? Or if I went and got myself some designer glasses, and declared myself a 'hockey mom' would I also be in the running? That is how it seems from this side of the pond!
At the moment I have strong views on who I believe should be the next president of the United States. Over the course of the next few months however, I will be introducing facts from my own research which I hope will give a balanced view. I will also try to assess the successes/failures of the election winner as it appears from here in the UK and try to work out how the decisions made by the then President on foreign and domestic policy, affect us over here.
I'm in no way trying to suggest that American voters should be considering the opinion of people in other countries when casting their vote as that would be silly. When I vote here in my country, it is based solely on what I believe to be right. I do however believe that some of the decisions made by the American government can affect people in other parts of the world as much as it affects people in the States so our opinions might be worth taking into account.